Annual Student Conference
CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune-411008

1. Invited Speaker
Title: Cosmic Relativity: The Gravitational Universe as the True Basis of Dynamics and Relativity.

Prof. C. S. Unnikrishnan

I will discuss the discovery that the Gravity of the matter-filled Universe is the real reason behind the laws of dynamics and all relativistic effects. I will present crucial experimental evidence that refute the current theoretical foundation of physics based on Einstein’s Special Relativity. In particular, I will present multiple proof for the fact that the propagation of light is Galilean, with a relative velocity that depends on the motion of the observer, implying total refutation of Special Relativity. The Cosmic Relativity paradigm addresses and answers all core problems in dynamics and relativity that were remaining unanswered in the researches of Galileo, Newton, Mach, and Einstein. It provides a consistent ontological basis for quantum dynamics, and aids in unifying classical and quantum dynamics. Some of the major problems solved include the puzzles of the Fractional quantum Hall effect and the spin selectivity of electron transport in chiral molecules. There are also important implications to the understanding and practice of navigation and global time synchronisation. With the gravitational Universe recognised as the absolute reference for dynamics, the replacement of the current foundation of dynamics and relativity by Cosmic Relativity is unavoidable. References:

2. Invited Speaker
Title: Can carbon Capture and Storage in India accelerate the efforts towards Net-Zero Emissions?

Dr. Vikram Vishal
Date & Time: -
Venue: Auditorium, Main Building, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory